Watashiwa Aishiteru
Yesterday visit Ipoh for 1 day . At there , we visit Songkai hot spring and Gua Temburung only. Well , the trip nothing special also. But the food taste quite well. 7.30PM , while I on thw way to home , my phone rang. It's from zzloo . Asking whether me want to go to school or not . ( My school had musical performance last night ) . Telling me that she came . Actually I guessed that she will come to this performance . I'm deciding whether want to go or not . zzloo ask me to gambateh , don't be a loser . Well , since zzloo went to the concert already , I decided to give myself another chance . It was almost 8.30PM when I reached school . Luckily the concert delayed , started about 8.15PM , so I didn't miss much . Well , I gave my camera out to juniors . She was sitting so close to another guy , here I name him "Z" . Z not her boyfriend also , but so far I known , Z is chasing her. They 2 sitting on a same chair , ya , 1 chair . I try to go nearby her and chat w...