
Showing posts from April, 2009

Sad and Happy Sky

Well , 21 April 2009 , when I knew that the next day the sky will have a "sad" look from 5.30am to 7 am and have a happy looking look at 23 April 2009 ,I get extremely excited. These 2 days , I get up very early (5.00am , normally I wake up by 6am) to see the sky , And went to school very early , about 6.30am (Normally I went school by 7.00am).Also heard that the sky having Lyrid meteor rain during that time ... about 20 meteors per hours , But , I can't see even 1... t.t Well, maybe , for many of you can't get what I meant for sad and happy looking sky, many of you still asleep ,so look at picture then you will know =)

PKIK Carnival 2009

PKIK or Persatuan Kanak-kanak Istimewa Kajang started operation on 5/6/1995 for children/persons with learning disablities and was registered as a Society on 6/5/1998. It is managed by a Committee of 11 voluntary elected/appointed members. The mission of PKIK is to help this group with learning disabilities in their overall develpoment and help them towards a life as independant and meaningful as possible. At 19 April 2009 , a carnival helded in YuHua school field for fund raising . Well , I went there by 11 am . Then I met PeiLin ,YeeLing and Pui Mun them , taking up their ice-cream stall. After "ronda"(patrol) for few rounds , I stopped by that ice-cream stall and rest , "KeBo-ing"(chit-chating). Thong came by about 12.15pm but went back by around 2 pm. By 2pm , the rain started . It wad a very big rain and spoiled our refrigenator (WEll , can make it reopen again , so , I consider it spoiled). I back to home by about 3.30pm , and our ice-cream all sold out by ab...

1st Pikom PC Fair 2009

This year pc fair , the only thing I can say ... Economic Crisis ,company cut cost , no show girls Y.Y Not much leng lui la ~~ , haha Well , ex-yuhua student , look at photo no.2 Guess who? hehe =P

台湾歌手阿桑因患乳癌病逝(6 April 2009)

“以《叶子》走红的“疗伤歌手”阿桑,在6日早晨过世,年仅34岁。 本名黄嬿璘的她在两年前检查出癌细胞,转移成乳癌末期。” 在报章上看到这个标题,其实几惊讶 ... 阿桑的《叶子》是我买的第一张正版cd 。 form2 , form3时的我很寂寞。 《叶子》这张cd在这段时间里陪我度过无数个夜晚。 她沧桑的声音让我在孤独的夜里,觉得没那么寂寞。 怎么这么突然? 我很少为歌星的逝世难过。 不懂为何,阿桑的离去,让我感觉心里不是很好受。 永别了,阿桑。 阿桑经纪人汪一平含泪怀念阿桑 马来西亚很少人认识阿桑... ... 关于阿桑 中文姓名:黄嬿璘 英文名字:JUDY 籍贯:台湾 云林 生 日: 2月28日 星 座:双鱼座 血 型:O型 学 历:南强工商影剧科 本名黄嬿璘的阿桑,今年34岁,曾经待过艺工队,也短暂唱过PUB,有丰富的现场演唱经验,被经纪人资深製作人汪一平发掘之后就辞去演唱的工作专心准备出片,在筹备等待发片的期间,为了维持生活,也当过律师事务所的总机与百货公司的客服播音小姐。 阿桑因为演唱电视剧《蔷薇之恋》片尾曲而走红,总共发行过两张专辑。去年十月被检查出乳癌末期,于今(6日)早八点半,病逝于新店慈济医院。 作品: 阿桑一路走好 受了点伤 寂寞在唱歌

Project Laugh

Yesterday went for a trip to NTV 7 Why?For the new programme "Project Laugh" Well , 13hours @ NTV7 , 10 hours of recording... Only for 3 episodes and 3 hours video ... Tired = = Actually quite worth going . Learned alot about making a TV programme. Knew those programme not being done by 1 shoot. Alot of NG and need to take again , take again and again... The building of NTV7 Lobby of NTV7 Studio of the programme Programme's Hosts - Mark Lee & Marcus Chin Jackneo , JTeam Boss Tay Ying Ying Tay Ying Ying taking photo with us Star Idol Winner 2007 - MayJune Tan OMG - Edison Chen? Lai Meng What happened? Me Taken some photo with artist =) Haven't get it , at other's camera. Edit: Log to for those photos =) Larger photos @ REMEMBER TO WACTH 《LAUGH PROJECT》 EVERY SUNDAY , 7.00PM ONLY ON NTV7 , YOUR FEEL GOOD CHANNEL