
Showing posts from February, 2010

STMP result is HERE !!!

The very last time I get result for natural exam . It's quite scary when you were opening the seal of the cert ! Wooaaahhhhhhhh , unbelievable with what I saw on the paper . Since standard 4 , ya you didn't see wrong , darjah 4 , I never get full A's for my result . This is the very first time for the past 10 years !!! So happy =) Actually I started my revision only after the STPM Trial , it's about 5~6 weeks from STPM . I stopped myself from playing facebook (GOSH! So damn hard =.=) . However , I have to admit that I can roughly understand every chapter after the lesson . Roughly only , that's why my trial result is so shit , but thanks to the trial result , I start my revision with 90% concentration . Well , why 90% ... Actually I did keep out going at the last week =.= 1.)War Game @ Sungai Buluh , just before the year end holidays. This is the very last trip I went with school as a student , 1 and half week before the exam. 2.)Photoshooting for Muchmello , 1 week...

Woo-Hoo 大日子 , 米昔拉村在哪里?

唦~!一场雨把跑步中的我赶回家里去了~ 也罢,反正没事做,就来写写部落格呗~ 其实我是看完了电影才去跑步的,也就是以上这部。 这是一部完完全全由本土打造的贺岁中文(可以算是中文吗?方言反而多一点。)电影。这部电影没有要票准的中文发音和文法,只有浓浓的土音:客家话,福建话,广东话,当然少不了马来文。那天在春仔家看到开头的一小部分,吸引了我去看这部电影。 电影一开始,一部古早味的小巴在沿海公路上行走,载我们进入了彭亨一个叫米昔拉的渔村。电影里米昔拉,是一个富有华人渔村味的渔村。然后就是一段轻松音乐把我们带入我们熟悉的吉隆坡。故事发展主要是因为米昔拉村一甲子(60年)一次的妈祖旦舞虎。舞虎条件严苛,需要肖虎的男性才可以舞。米昔拉村缺乏后人,孝顺的孙女不甘看到年迈的爷爷还去舞虎,因此刊登广告高薪聘人来组织舞虎队。广告正好被3个生活到了瓶颈的吉隆坡人看到,被高薪吸引,这3个吉隆坡人便应聘这分工... ... 当然,舞虎队最后的表演是顺利完成啦。我非常欣赏导演的拍摄手法,故事的开始已经注定这电影的成功(我就是被这一幕吸引去观看这部电影的)。那一幕一下子就把我从电影院,带去了那渔村里头,赞!有些人对这部电影有些失望,但我就刚好倒反。这部电影给我的惊喜远远超越了我的期望。 我本身其实就喜欢看小成本的电影。小成本制作与大制作如2012和风云2不同,大制作通常把重点放在特技效果上,比如2012和风云2, 看这类电影给我的感觉,只是在看一场烟火表演:烟火爆开的杀那震撼人心,但过后却不会让人回味。 相反小成本制作,因为经费不足,无法在特技效果上搞噱头,只好在故事上加把劲。 看这类电影,就像是在品尝一杯细心调制的咖啡一样,喝下去的时候没什么特别,但味道却可以在口腔内久久不会散去。 无论如何,这部电影的确为本土中文电影跨出了一大步。我的八令吉非常值得。 米昔拉村在哪里? 另外一提这部电影搞到我心痒痒,想要去电影中的“米昔拉村”。经过我google一下,发现所谓的“米昔拉村”真的存在。米昔拉村或在国语Beserah,是位于关丹海边的一个村子。可以参考 View Larger Map

Chinese New Year photos

CNY , non-stop gambling only ... Haha , STPM result coming next week ... Bored... My CNY haven't finish also . Ok , photos.. My US Aunt Reunion Dinner lol , cousins... My pretty cousin , haha. More on My Facebook Album =) Annual BaiNian =P

Happy Chinese New Year

Haha , time passes very fast , now already is the 5th day of Chinese new year . These few days only gambling , gambling and gambling only ... Haiz. See poker got the vomit feeling ... Nowaday I keep thinking , why gov want to catch people who gambling with their friend & family , I can't think any bad points when friends and family gambling at home : 1stly , why Chinese primary school good in math ? Their parent train them by playing poker . True ! My cousin which is standard 1 , now can calculate until 30 very fast , while school only teaching them to do addition within 10 . 2ndly , Gambling can strengthen the bond between family and friend . When they're just gather , some of them maybe don't have common topic . With gambling , they have the common topic already . This enable them to communicate . Haiz , but what our gov do , they send 300k watcher to observe people for gambling . WTH ? Why don't them send this amount of watcher to control our surrounding ? Snatch...

My Aunt from US

Before the post , today I tried to make this after I woke up , XD. Latte? Latte? made by me , using 3in1 "Nescafe strong" and and improper tool to foam the milk ... the ratio is also improper . Well , overall , the taste still acceptable... Just don't know what should I call this , XD. Haha , today is super duper happy day =) My Aunt back from US to visit my grandpa for Chinese New Year. As usual , everytime she back , she'll bring a lot of stuff here =) This time , she bring me something special bought by my uncle .And also help me order some photography material . Hahaha , ok look at these : =P My uncle give me these : Sigma 70-200mm f /2.8 EX DG HSM Quantaray 2X Teleconvertor Hoho , happy happy =P Sigma 70-200mm f /2.8 EX DG HSM What's inside? Quantaray 2X Teleconvertor !!! Following stuff is ordered by me =) 2 BP-511 Batteries for my camera. Battery Grip for my camera. Haha , wondering how my babe going to look like ? Hehe , down ! Side view =) Muahaha , my ba...


I like coffee very much =) I cannot express how happy am I when I heard that Kajang is going to have a coffee house other than Starbucks ... Try imagine : " In the hot middle afternoon , sitting in a corner of a room with aircond and awesome coffee smell . Holding a white cup on my hands , stir it with a stainless steel spoon ... White smoke bring together with the smell of arabica coffee smell . Then , fill my mouth with the arabica coffee and snow white well foamed milk ... ... " However , thing not happen as I thought ... The way this shop running business is by Kiosk , which mean mainly do take away business . Inside the shop only got limited sitting place ... I ordered Iced Latte (RM4.80) . Hmmm , I not a professional in drinking coffee , but I still can tell what taste good but what not . The coffee taste good , sincerely , but I regret that I ordered iced latte , I should order a hot 1 . The taste of the coffee remain in my oral for quite amount of time which normal c...

靖欣farewell party

我的朋友,靖欣(啊leng)又一个出国了。 一去也是四年左右。 认识了大概也4年左右。 但其实中一开始知道她与我同窗的。 说真的,中三那年真的很讨厌她... 那时的她,俗称很"跩"。 中四某天,她与她男友分手, 在印象中,好像还搞到蛮大件事的~ 不过那时打从心里不喜欢她, 所以也没有多去探听。 好了,真正的故事, 应该是中五开始吧~ 也不清楚是从中五的哪一天, 大概是新年吧~ 应该是佩林家吧~ 大家在一起打麻将, 那时发些她变了(还是我从来没有了解过她)。 那时发现她其实不难相处。 然后叻~ 在各种机缘巧合下, 她也不懂为什么会跟我们出街... 哈,最记得的呢~ 还是有一次去看周杰伦,桂纶镁主演的电影。 《不能说的秘密》 周杰伦是靖欣的“老公” 看下面的照片又在扮Jay了~ 啊leng哭了~ 想不到叻。 那时她就坐在我傍边。 毕业后呢,虽然少见了, 但不时还是有联络、 出来聚聚。 OK,回到昨晚, 看到她还是没什么改变。 还是那么的可爱,XD。 昨晚,跟靖欣畅饮了一支Kampai。 最后,送上这一句: “劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人。” More on My Facebook Album =)

4 Feb 10 New layout =)

Done ! The whole new simple look of my blog =) New year , new layout , this is what I'm thinking =P Not feeling very well these days , don't know well , like everything is not right . Haha , but who care , just wait for few days , I'll be back ~~ Now suddenly do like print out the photos . When I look at those photos in my photo album , I'm glade that I printed them out last time , especially those before form 5 graduate 1 . Cause part of them , I don't know where the soft copies gone already , luckily I got this hard copies =). Now I started to believe the line that Fujifilm always used : "Print it or lose it" So , from now on , I'll constantly select some of my photos and print them out . Trust me , feeling different when holding a photo than just viewing them on the computer screen =)

Short Trip @ Broga Town

Broga , people do know broga hill ( actually is named as bk.lalang) more than broga town . In fact , broga town is a wonderful place located between the border of of Hulu Langat , (Selangor) and Negeri Sembilan. Broga surrounded by green hills . The scenery is so good and the air is great =) . So , please spend some time in broga town after you come down from broga hill , it just located 1 km from the entrance of broga hill. Oh ya , thx to Seline as my tour guide =) Several Point of interest : OutBac Sek Na Tok (Chinese Temple) Rabbit Farm Broga Hill Something that must taste =) ABC 1 of the most fomous ABC in M'sia BBQ Fish More on My Facebook Album =) So , going to try the BBQ fish , anyone following ? XD Also heard that there are waterfall there , next time , I'm gonna to explore it =P